Penny's Passage

a cruising quilter

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Buckhorn Community Centre

image image image image image image imageBuckhorn Area Quilt Guild is extremely fortunately to be part of the Buckhorn community.  We hold the show at the local community centre, a fabulous space that hosts art shows, craft shows and many other events, as well as sports activities.  Buckhorn is tiny, and the centre is not funded by public money.  Over the years community volunteers have raised funds and done lots of physical work to create a unique space.


Our show is in the main building, but the vendors and the food court are in the huts outside, in a gorgeous garden setting.  Shopping and eating lunch from the tea room is a treat here, even when it rains!  The centre of the garden has a big picnic shelter, so all is well.

And for my Aussie, UK, and US friends, see how beautifully our Canadian flag looks in the garden with the read geraniums.  A flag hangs from each building when a festival is happening.  Just like at Helen’s house!

There are big doors in the sunflower mural that will open tomorrow as entrance to the quilt show.  I must remember to grab a photo of that… a very colourful start to the show.